Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is a Real Friend?

I find it ironic that I am learning more about friends as I watch my daughter navigate her way through the trials of girl friendships. Oh yes, there is drama. It changes second by second. I do take comfort in the fact that we are both equally shocked when our expectation is crushed. We both have a basic expectation that a true friend would never be mean. What is "being mean"? Saying, doing or acting in any way that causes pain with intention. If someone hurts you intentionally. That is mean. A friend also has your back. If you are being hurt by someone a real friend doesn't watch. They come to your assistance, or at least by your side. I have to ask myself are these expectations too high or do I not have as many friends as I thought??????

Thursday, May 6, 2010

BLAST FROM THE PAST - Let me hear aobut yours!

Does facebook make it easy to rewind the clock? Go back in time? I know that I have found some friends that I have often wondered about over the years. Thanks to some creative liberties with my name, I am not that easily found. I wonder who would have looked for me if any one? Would I have wanted to be found? Does this mean our past never stays in the past? I'd love to hear your stories about finding an old friend or being found!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


It has been on my "to do list" for months and yet I am just now getting around to posting. Why is it that hard? I can't find 15 minutes in the day to sit down and empty a thought or two out of my crowded brain? There are people out there who blog two or three times a day... How come they can but I can't? Maybe it's just about how bad I want to do it? I think it's time for another list. Yes, that's right another list. I'll make a list of the things on my list that never get done. Wait, doesn't that list already exist? Ugh!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Starting the new year off right with a first posting of the year 2010! I always reflect on the new year's eves of the past and I have had some fun times! I'll never forget the year I was at a party with my L on the forehead Loser Boyfriend. I paid for the night ... including a limo only to have his sloppiness check out the other chicks in the club. So I did what I could do...busted a move on the dance floor and partied hard. Luckily I had friends with me who had my back. Still, they couldn't help much when the tank reached full on the fuzzy navels! In the crowded bathroom with a line out the door, I grabbed an abandoned party hat to catch my overindulgence. Yep, I lost it right into the hat. No one was the wiser. I splashed some water on my face, rinsed my mouth and went back to the party. On the way back out the door, I heard another party girl say "ooooh look! a party hat! as she put it on her head". Oooops! My bad. What was your fondest New Year's Eve memory? (i am not implying that i had a fond memory of that poor unfortunate girl's mishap with the party's just a memory that stands out among the blurred memories associated with parties in general!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I love it when....

I find a book that I just can't put down! I started reading Beneath A Marble Sky early in the week and finished it last night. I was drawn into the story quickly and found myself looking forward to the moment when the world would stop long enough for me to grab it and go back to the building of the Taj Mahal and the story of a family and the rise and fall of their empire. What I loved most about this book was the classic good versus evil tale that had you rooting for the underdog. I also really loved the premise under which the story unfolds. Having the "grandmother" relay the story to her granddaughters was just one of the little details that made this book so incredible to me! I found myself like her granddaughters, waiting for the next scene on the edge of my seat..begging for more!

Friday, July 17, 2009

11 Years And Counting

It's been 11 years now since I became a wife. We are on vacation at an RV resort enjoying the 4 children we've created in 11 years! Life really is good and I am grateful.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do You Remember the Time?

I can't help but feel old right now! First, the passing of one of our own idols, Michael Jackson. Everywhere we went at the Mall of America, they had a TV on playing the memorial service. Although I couldn't not hear what they were saying, I was still moved to tears - right there in the food court! When we got home later that day, I watched more of it as it was replayed over and over on just about every channel. Then, I really started to cry! It was a moving tribute and I felt so sorry for his children.

Then as we go to the Jonas Brothers concert my urge to dance and lose myself in the music was over-ruled by my mother status. The sparkly hat that put on which actually belonged to my daughter was taken off as we were leaving the hotel room. A sudden feeling of being ridiculous came over me. There was a time when I would have put everything sparkly on that I could!

As I sat and watched here soak it all up, I was reminded of how much I have always loved the live performances like this. I would stand occasionally and join her in the sing-along songs that I knew the words to (well, most of the words). I recalled my own experiences going to concerts and considered myself really blessed to have been exposed to so many. It is a moving experience (even if you aren't moving as much as you used to!)