Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have been having these strong inclinations to go dancing. I'm not sure I'm thinking about country line dancing...but I want to go to DA CLUB, and get my groove on! I don't know much contemporary, hiphop music but I'm doing some research. It might be time to get some girls on the dance floor! Funny that at one time I was even considering hula dance lessons. First the club, if I don't get my fix, then I'll check out the grass skirt! This could be me!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What Will I Do?

I'm going to have a whole day plus a little more to myself! Baby girl is at a camp, baby boys (all of them!) are going to a race. I've got the whole place to myself! I started making a list of what I might do...
  • sleep in
  • take a walk in the morning
  • blog
  • work on projects
  • blog
  • exercise
  • blog
  • read
  • blog
  • write
  • blog
  • go to the movie? (alone? yes, I can totally do it, not afraid!)
  • blog

Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Random Things (from facebook)

1. I love big hair.I mean, the eighties kind that would keep the person behind you from being able to actually see the movie! The kind that you flip your head upside down to dry with a diffuser and then spray it with some enviromentally UNfriendly FREEZING spray. And, if it's not quite big a little teasin' and plug in the curling iron. Ahh....the good old days when I had time to primp. Now, I seldom ever take the hair dryer out. (except when I was in Ohio and feared my hair would LITERALLY FREEZE when I went outside!)In case you wanted it... I found a tutorial on how to make some really big hair!

2. I do NOT like caller ID Are there no surprises left? Don't have it at home. Plus, whlie the phone was ringing when I called you, I might have changed my mind and decided I didn't want to talk to you afterall...but thanks to caller ID, you know I called and are compelled to call me back no matter what.

3. I love vegetables Most every one of them. The only one I can think of that I don't like is mushrooms (wait, is that a vegetable or a fungus?) I like the veggies most people get squirmy about...spinach (cooked or raw), asparagus, brussel sprouts... yummy! My favorite food? A Greek Salad (no olives please -- wait is that another vegetable I don't like?)

4. I know the words to waaaay too many songs!(not many of them are from recent years however!)

5. I have been to about 40 states,,,,Thanks to a couple of cross country road trips and some "how did i get this job" traveling in my early twenties!

6. I come from a BIG family 4 brothers and 1 sister. I also have a big family - 4 children, 1 girl and 3 boys. AND, my mom is from a REALLY big family - 18 in all, 10 boys and 8 girls. (I'm thinking that maybe I just like BIG stuff in general. Maybe I should live in Texas)

7. I am afraid of bees.... That's right, those little buzzing vicous creatures that seem to also like big hair!

8. I HATE dinner What is the big deal? I don't like to cook... it's such a production. How about a lite snack... I'd much rather have a big lunch!

9. I have 2 Addictions 1. - Diet Coke, never should have started drinking the )(*#)$*()_(@#$_( stuff. and 2. - Cardio Exercise - I have been known to do as many as THREE HOURS in one day! Ok, maybe it's 3 addictions - What girl doesn't NEED her shoes!?

10. I want to learn to play the acoustic guitar It might require some devine intervention. Pray, pray, pray.

11. I am starting to do Yoga! Planning to work my way to meditation as well.

12. I have been to GREECE! It's the only time I've ever left the country and it was worth it!

13. I cry way too easily! I have cried so hard at a movie that I had to sneak out the back way so that no one could see my swollen eyes and mascara streaked cheeks. Once a sappy girl, always a sappy girl.

14. I am an optimist I learned early on to look for the good things.

15. I don't care for water sports or activities (maybe it's because I don't want the big hair to get wet?) Ironically, I married a man who seems to collect boats?

16. I have been in the proximity of the following celebrities --Reba McEntire (met her back stage after a concert!), Shania Twain (she was in a bar in Hilliard! I swear!), Eddie George (got his autograph at Waffle House -I'm not lying!), Dave Thomas (founder of wendy's - he was a good friend of my former boss), Ben Vereen (was on a flight to LA with us), Jack Niclaus and Greg Norman (were just staying at the same hotel as us in Maui), Jennifer Love Hewitt (also stayed at the same hotel as us in Maui years ago..she was eating breakfast in the dining room the same time we were!), John F Kennedy Jr, (was in line in front of me at Laguardia Airport), Billy Joel (touched his hand at a concert when I was given a front row seat by a crew member!), The Warren Brothers (bet you haven't heard of them - look them up! They are a country music duo and I got them to sign my Cd at a concert), Kris Kristofferson was on the flight with us coming home from Maui! I told him I was a big fan (HELLO ! A STAR IS BORN!) and he shook my hand ... later he told me what a nice family I had! (The kids didn't make much noise on the plane, thank goodness!)

17. I married my husband after only about 11 days together. he lived in California and that's about how much time we spent together by the time we got married.

18. I love astrology and psychics! I believe in past lives and a God who loves all. We are here to learn and grow. This life gives us lessons we didn't get in the last one or if we're lucky, we can try again to get the ones we didn't in the last life!

19. I can almost always make a baby smile at me! (this might be evidence that babies like Big Hair too!)

20. I have always wanted to have my own business. The Gemini in me has never been able to focus in on what kind of business! (Don't suggest it, I already thought about HAIR... I am a beauty school drop out!)

21. I do not have any tattoos and my boobs are real. These are two definite indicators that I am not ACTUALLY from California! ha!

22. I think I might actually try botox one day. Nuff said. Wonder if I'll still look like I'm crying when I'm crying at a sappy movie?

23. I love to read and belong to two book clubs. I have been know to come with a list of questions and comments about the book for discussion. (NOT the ones that are included in the book at the end, I come up with my own!) I believe that a book can change you and have a profound effect on what you believe and am certain that I have been touched like that by some of the books I've read. Fiction, Non-Fiction, doesn't matter.

24. I love my friends, they are like my family.

25. My children are my greatest pleasure .. second only to my husband. I am beyond grateful to so clumsily had them show up in my life. Only in dreams as a little girl who read Cinderella did I ever imagine I'd get married. After a few too many freaky frogs, I decided it probably wouldn't happen. And then, I saw it was possible and the blessings came 4 more times.

26. I always have more to say but can also be a good listener!

27. I don't want to TAG 25 people. It seems so offensive.

28. At one time, I thought I wanted to be a News Anchor. Thank goodness I didn't do that! I don't even read the newspaper!

29. I don't like ice cream. It serves only as a way in which I can have hot fudge. I'd much rather have cheese cake (only the NY style and only with strawberries!)

30. I think mapquest is the greatest invention of all time. It doesn't matter how many times I've been there, I'm going to need directions again. If only I had it 20 years ago. I could have save myself some gas and a few laps around 270!

31. I love to see my children at the beach!They love the sand and the waves and their laughter when they are tickled by the foam on the shore or tossed around by a wave that they weren't ready for is priceless and music to my ears!

32. I don't like to eat when I drink alcohol! This can prove to be a very, very, very bad thing!

33. I pierced my own ears!I had a pair of earrings that were used for piercing and I put an ice cube on my ear and stuck it in!

34. I have never watched a star wars movie.It just ain't my gig.

35. I heard some one ACTUALLY say that they were going to go to Jenny Craig to lose 5 POUNDS! At first they just said they wanted to lose some weight.... when I asked how much they wanted to lose... it was FIVE POUNDS! No need to call Jenny, just skip the snacks one day!

36. I'm probably never going to stop adding to this list!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yoga Rookie

I found these beautiful images of some of my favorite poses. They sort of represent my "goal".. I am NOT that graceful in these poses YET. In fact, I haven't even tried one of them... I'll let you decide which one.
I am only just beginning my Yoga journey but I have a feeling it will take me places. After my last session I seriously felt taller! And, there were moments when I was completely free of any thought ... it was rejuvenating! My goal is to have some yoga on the beach on a regular basis! Now, that would be the life!