Friday, July 17, 2009

11 Years And Counting

It's been 11 years now since I became a wife. We are on vacation at an RV resort enjoying the 4 children we've created in 11 years! Life really is good and I am grateful.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do You Remember the Time?

I can't help but feel old right now! First, the passing of one of our own idols, Michael Jackson. Everywhere we went at the Mall of America, they had a TV on playing the memorial service. Although I couldn't not hear what they were saying, I was still moved to tears - right there in the food court! When we got home later that day, I watched more of it as it was replayed over and over on just about every channel. Then, I really started to cry! It was a moving tribute and I felt so sorry for his children.

Then as we go to the Jonas Brothers concert my urge to dance and lose myself in the music was over-ruled by my mother status. The sparkly hat that put on which actually belonged to my daughter was taken off as we were leaving the hotel room. A sudden feeling of being ridiculous came over me. There was a time when I would have put everything sparkly on that I could!

As I sat and watched here soak it all up, I was reminded of how much I have always loved the live performances like this. I would stand occasionally and join her in the sing-along songs that I knew the words to (well, most of the words). I recalled my own experiences going to concerts and considered myself really blessed to have been exposed to so many. It is a moving experience (even if you aren't moving as much as you used to!)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

No Scale!?

So we are in Minneapolis and having a great time! I am *trying* to be mindful of my goals and have found it very difficult to be without a scale to check-in on my weight! I am curious to see what it says when we return. I haven't been snacking at all and we have had to do some walking for most of our meals which I have been very thoughtful about what I'm ordering. I have been sticking with my push-ups and sit-ups each day and manage to get them both in before bed time!

The hotel has a fitness room with great cardio equipment so I have been able to squeeze in at least an hour of sweating a day. Today, I mixed it up a little and ran for about 20 minutes of my 60 on the treadmill. I also haven't had diet coke at my finger tips all day long so it's made my goal of rehabbing the diet coke outta my life, a little more realistic!

One of the most enjoyable things I have seen is the statue of Mary Tyler Moore. I loved that show (I think that I watched reruns of it after it was off the air). But I loved her independence and spirit. Another thing I like here is that I don't HAVE to have a car! We have walked mostly everywhere and the public transportation to further away places (like the Mall of America and the airport) is a breeze! In reading vairous tourist literature, I have found that there's a lot to see and do here in Minneapolis. Who knew?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Exercising While Traveling

This should be an interesting week as I attempt to travel and keep my exercise routine! I have checked the hotel in advance and confirmed that they have a fitness center that is equipped with cardio equipment which should be a good start. I am motivated so let's see if I make this happen!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Count down begins

It's time to start counting down the days to bali. departure is september 29 and i have lots to do before then. the first thing on my list is to get rid of the pounds that seemed to sneak up on me...around the holidays, and around my waist!

88 days is about what i have. wonder what i can get done in 88 days. first goal is to lose weight on a trip to minneapolis. hey, i did it before, i can do it again!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The push-up / sit-up Experiment

I was told once by an instructor that if you just add 20 situps and 20 pushups each day, you will see a big difference in muscle tone. So, being somewhat of an over achiever... I have decided to add 100 situps and 50 pushups each day. We'll see how that comes out.. maybe in 30 days, I'll post some photos? Or, maybe, I'll just report the results via TEXT!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's a Shoe Thing

When it comes to shoes, some people may think that I have a bit of a problem. I mean, it usually is among the top 3 things I checkout when I meet someone new... eyes, smile, shoes. In that order. In fact, when I took my daughter to see Kellie Pickler and Taylor Swift, I was delighted when I realized I could zoom my camera in and get a shot of these AMAZING peep-toe, platform, sparkly numbers on the bottom of Kellie's skinny jeans! Now, I liked the concert, they were both amazing. But those shoes.....!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Maybe it's not so BAD after all?

As a mother, I find myself wanting to protect my children from what might be considered "pop culture". I know people who don't allow their children to watch television at all, I also know families who send their children to schools that don't allow "character" clothing like spiderman, and such.

However, I have been thinking about the passing of two Pop Culture Icons, Farrah and Michael. As I watch the countless people around the world express their sadness at the loss of these two "characters".. I can't help but wonder... what's so bad about it. I mean, I feel more connected now as I share in the memories of these two personas in my own life with others around me. It feels uniting. I am glad I knew their music/shows. I am glad i have a memory of it.

In the distant future, (I will make it sound like it is light years away) my own children will witness the loss of an image responsible for a memory that I didn't deprive them from creating. (if my children should ever read this post, please allow me to state that none of this applies to the mindless, crude yellow square guy in the pineapple)