Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do You Remember the Time?

I can't help but feel old right now! First, the passing of one of our own idols, Michael Jackson. Everywhere we went at the Mall of America, they had a TV on playing the memorial service. Although I couldn't not hear what they were saying, I was still moved to tears - right there in the food court! When we got home later that day, I watched more of it as it was replayed over and over on just about every channel. Then, I really started to cry! It was a moving tribute and I felt so sorry for his children.

Then as we go to the Jonas Brothers concert my urge to dance and lose myself in the music was over-ruled by my mother status. The sparkly hat that put on which actually belonged to my daughter was taken off as we were leaving the hotel room. A sudden feeling of being ridiculous came over me. There was a time when I would have put everything sparkly on that I could!

As I sat and watched here soak it all up, I was reminded of how much I have always loved the live performances like this. I would stand occasionally and join her in the sing-along songs that I knew the words to (well, most of the words). I recalled my own experiences going to concerts and considered myself really blessed to have been exposed to so many. It is a moving experience (even if you aren't moving as much as you used to!)

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