Friday, January 30, 2009

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk... BUT DON'T WALK AND TALK!

Found this image ... classic example... who is he talking to her or the caller?

I'm sure this has happened to you before. You are minding your own business... going down the frozen foods aisle when someone approaches you, although they don't necessarily seem like they are making eye contact, but they are talking. You wonder if they are talking to you? Seems weird... then as they pass, you see it. The little magic device hanging on their ear that let's you drive more safely while you perhaps debate with your child the need to do the homework before they can leave the house. So, you are annoyed. The first time this happened to me, I laughed. I think I might have even answered the "How are you?" question that was intended for the person on the other line! The second time it happened I was privy to a "talking about your husband to your friend" half of a conversation that I really didn't care to hear... " he never helps get something done..."

Today, the worse violation I have ever seen was a woman at the register in my local CVS who was making a purchase in front of me. She never made eye contact with the cashier and stood there in this full-on (and did I mention LOUD?) conversation saying something about "i'm alive by the Grace of God"... I am happy she's alive, and my God is definitely graceful. But really? Here? She was also pushing a baby in a stroller and that child was getting much of her attention either. Is this where we are? We have so much to do that we can't walk into a store and make a purchase without talking on the phone? Honestly? That call couldn't wait five more minutes? Here's an idea. Make the purchase, and some chit chat with the cashier, thank her on your way out, put your baby in the car seat, talking to her, make her laugh. You get in, be still, and make your call. Keep it short and then get on the road.


What has happened to us?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


*Stop waiting for the kids to go to bed to get stuff done! (It's a habit that started when they were babies...they got my undivided attention during the day, and I worked on "my stuff" at night)

*Take a photography class. (I want to step up my camera, need to know more about how to use it first!)

*Take some guitar classes. (the beautiful guitar santa brought me is pleading to be taken out of its case!)

*Take a hula dancing class. (I do not have to is on the list!)

*Build friendships (I want the kind where you have some belly-hurting laughter!)

*Say No more often

*Say Yes more often

*Create my sacred work space

*Write daily

*Get some clients

*Have more fun

*Go to the beach more often!

*Spend more time with my prince charming!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Did I mention MADONNA?

I can't believe that I didn't do a post on going to the Madonna concert! it might have been a little on the back burner since it was the same night a certain fella got the vote of the american people to sit in the big chair in the big house.

Well, I did it! I saw Madonna in concert at PETCO Park! It was AMAZING! I must say that she made us wait a little longer but I got over that as soon as she started performing (did I mention, she NEVER stopped!)... There were moments that I thought that her singing voice has actually improved ("You Must Love Me")... and there were some changes to her oldies that I thought made them even better goodies! ("Border Line" had a rock edge to it in this show and I loved it!) And, she was sporting a guitar which she has apparently mastered over the years. She did a little spoof on herself ("She's Not Me") where she had women dressed in the many phases of Madonna.... (the virgin, the bride, the material girl...etc.etc.). It was GOOOOOD!

Madonna was big in my world... She was who we all wanted to be. I loved her music, I loved her style. It was a walk down memory lane... or actually, a dance down memory lane. I didn't sit down at all!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

To Resolve or Not to Resolve?

Yes! I admit it! I make resolutions. I sit down on New Year's Eve (after the kids are in bed) and write a list of what I prefer to call "goals" for the coming year.

Sure, some of them make the list every year. Playing the guitar is still on there...some day it will happen! This is going to be one of those years where I can cross off several things on this list! I am sure of it! The fun part is that I can have a whole new list for next year!

I'll post the list, after the kids are in bed tonight?

Friday, January 2, 2009


FINALLY! I have started a New Year with a blog already in place! (although it hasn't been updated in a while! so sorry!) I will be updating with some stories about my trip to greece and will make entries about other stuff too! This is the year that I become a serious blogger! (or a guitarist, or a yogi, or an author or ... maybe a dreamer!) With two blogs going now, I'm going to have to take this seriously! (actually, this is in direct conflict with my resolution to NOT take things so seriously!)

Hope your new year started off great! I spent it with the family at the riverhouse and ALMOST made it through to the dropping of the ball. With everyone else long asleep, I dozed off on the couch just 5 minutes short of the ringing in. Not to worry, the celebration on TV woke me up and I ran in and got a kiss from my sleeping prince charming (see, this is how my fairytale works... it's always a little backwards)...