Friday, January 30, 2009

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk... BUT DON'T WALK AND TALK!

Found this image ... classic example... who is he talking to her or the caller?

I'm sure this has happened to you before. You are minding your own business... going down the frozen foods aisle when someone approaches you, although they don't necessarily seem like they are making eye contact, but they are talking. You wonder if they are talking to you? Seems weird... then as they pass, you see it. The little magic device hanging on their ear that let's you drive more safely while you perhaps debate with your child the need to do the homework before they can leave the house. So, you are annoyed. The first time this happened to me, I laughed. I think I might have even answered the "How are you?" question that was intended for the person on the other line! The second time it happened I was privy to a "talking about your husband to your friend" half of a conversation that I really didn't care to hear... " he never helps get something done..."

Today, the worse violation I have ever seen was a woman at the register in my local CVS who was making a purchase in front of me. She never made eye contact with the cashier and stood there in this full-on (and did I mention LOUD?) conversation saying something about "i'm alive by the Grace of God"... I am happy she's alive, and my God is definitely graceful. But really? Here? She was also pushing a baby in a stroller and that child was getting much of her attention either. Is this where we are? We have so much to do that we can't walk into a store and make a purchase without talking on the phone? Honestly? That call couldn't wait five more minutes? Here's an idea. Make the purchase, and some chit chat with the cashier, thank her on your way out, put your baby in the car seat, talking to her, make her laugh. You get in, be still, and make your call. Keep it short and then get on the road.


What has happened to us?

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